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Meet Our Cows

Here at Greenoaks farm we have a small herd of dairy cows, predominantly made up of Jersey cows, to produce our super creamy milk!



Jersey Cow

Delilah is one of the 3 original Jersey Cows that started the micro dairy at Greenoaks! She stands out from the other Jerseys as her colour is very pale in comparison to the rest!



Jersey Cow

Daisy is another of the original Jersey cows that have been at Greenoaks from the start! She is a fantastic mother, and tends to 'adopt' everyone else's calves too!



Jersey Cow

Demelza is the final of the original 3 Jersey Cows! She produces some of the creamiest milk out of all the cows, as she has a super high butterfat content!



Pro-cross Cow

Elsie is probably the friendliest of the Pro-cross gang! She is trained to lead with a head-collar on and loves having neck scratches!



Pro-cross Cow

Frieda just loves to play! If we are in with them strawing down their bed, you have to be careful she doesn't decided to start a game of tig!



Pro-cross Cow

Annie is a very laid back character, she has become much more interested in fuss and attention off us recently, especially when food is about.



Pro-cross Cow

Dotty was very wary of people when she first came to us, however she is finally starting to come out of her shell, and occasionally will come and sniff us to see if we have any food!



Brown Swiss Cow

Doris is slightly unique in our herd, as although she looks like a big jersey cow, she's actually a Brown Swiss. This means she is bigger than our Jersey's and has a much more laid back attitude. Brown Swiss cows are similar to jerseys for being known to have delicious creamy milk.



Jersey Cow

Dixie is the 5th cow we've bought since starting our micro dairy! She's the smallest cow we have, and is apparently a good escape artist, so we will be keeping a close eye on her!



Jersey Cow

We first met Magic when we bought the original 3 Jersey Cows, back then she was a little fluffy baby! Now she is all grown up and has joined the gang!

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Jersey Cow

Lola and Dora are the 8th and 9th Jersey cows join the team at Greenoaks, we bought them from a lovely full jersey dairy farm in Yorkshire, Grey Leys Farm! Our farm is much smaller than what they are used too! Lola is slightly older so has lots of milking experience.

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Jersey Cow

Lola and Dora are the 8th and 9th Jersey cows join the team at Greenoaks, we bought them from a lovely full jersey dairy farm in Yorkshire, Grey Leys Farm! Our farm is much smaller than what they are used too! Dora arrived to us as an in-calf heifer, so will have her first ever calf here at Greenoaks!

Meet our cows: Meet the Team
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